Drink Water!
Water, The Essential Component of Life: Everyone knows that water is an essential component of life and has many healthy benefits, yet...

Mold Exposure and Symptoms
At Cedar City Chiropractic and Rehabilitation, Doctor M. Curtis Hobson has the solution to more than just your back.  With professional, on-

Treating the Cause / Not the Symptoms
When it comes to head, back, arm, leg and general muscle and joint aches, many people treat the symptoms and not the actual cause of the...

Top 5 Steps of Filing a Personal Injury Claim
There is no one way to handle a personal injury case. Each case depends on a number of factors that differ from case to case. The type...

Tight Hamstrings and What to Do With Them
Hi! Welcome to another video with Cedar City Chiropractic & Rehabilitation.

Drink Water!
Drinking water has been shown to boost energy levels, improve concentration and support weight loss.

Am I Overweight?
Finding your BMI, body mass index, is a more valuable measurement of body fat and health risks

Proper Lifting
Proper Lifting at Cedar City Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Hi I’m Dr. Williams with Cedar City Chiropractic and Rehabilitation. Today...

Metabolic Syndrome
What Is Metabolic Syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is a collection of heart disease risk factors that increase your chance of developing...

"Minor" Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVA's)
After any accident, whether a slip on ice or a car accident, the damaged body begins to heal. It’s during that healing period we can...